If you are a nurse, whether you are a Registered Nurse, Advanced Practice Nurse or a Licensed Practical Nurse and you receive a letter from the Nevada State Board of Nursing stating that you are under investigation for a violation of the Nurse Practices Act then you need a lawyer. I am the lawyer for you. I have beaten nearly every one of these cases. A proper response to the investigation prepared with the guidance of an experienced lawyer can make all the difference as to whether or not formal charges are filed. My goal is always to get all charges dropped without any hearing at the investigatory level. I have often found that the board is investigating a matter that is really just a personnel matter, i.e. someone got fired or a co-worker complained and it led to the employer or co-worker filing a board complaint. Sometimes complaints are bought by an elderly patient who is suffering from dementia. Is the allegation reality or fantasy? Sometimes an allegation is brought by a distraught family member who is undergoing emotional distress and looking to blame someone because their loved one is suffering. I have seen all these situations lead to Board Investigations. Don’t be a victim. Representing yourself is usually unwise. You will be emotional. You have probably never been in an adversary proceeding before. You probably do not know the law. You need a lawyer to help you. If the matter is not handled properly your license and ability to earn a living can be placed in jeopardy. I have 25 years of experience helping nurses avoid these problems. Call my office right now to set up your free consultation to begin your defense. 702-382-9307
Steven J. Karen
Las Vegas Nursing Board
Defense Lawyer
Practicing Regularly in Las Vegas Justice Court, Las Vegas Municipal Court, Henderson Justice Court, Henderson Municipal Court, District Court, Federal Court and all Courts in Nevada.
Nursing Board Defense